Ready to learn how to stop binge eating for good?

Overcoming binge eating is so much easier with the guidance of somebody, who has been there themselves and helped others find their way to lasting peace with food.

Book the 2h Food Peace Roadmap session with a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner & Binge Eating Therapist and get clear on:

Booking Provided by Healthie

Wonder how to stop binge eating and secret eating when it feels like you have 0
willpower left..?

Whether you answer work emails while cooking dinner, operate on a meticulously organized schedule or follow a spreadsheet to pack for holidays- you've always been in control. Except when it comes to food.

I work with amazing superwomen & men just like you, who achieve their career and personal goals without blinking, yet when it comes to a healthier relationship with food, they feel lost, defeated and powerless.

Trust me it's NOT your willpower.

You feel like you know how to do it right- have a bowl of steaming porridge for breakfast, eat your veg and go to the gym (or a yoga class) regularly. Yet, when those cravings hit, you give in like it's the last cheesecake on earth. It feels like autopilot takes over.

It's OK, there's nothing to be ashamed of. You and me, we both know that you have the willpower of an Olympic gymnast, but around trigger foods, it feels like someone flicks the switch and the ‘all or nothing' vicious cycle starts!

You are in the right place

Find out how to stop binge eating with a binge eating therapist

Right now you...

Swing from ‘being good’ to days or weeks of ‘complete blowout’ episodes

Have more diet, weight loss and nutrition books than WHSmith bookshop.

Lie awake at night worrying about what the Reece’s pieces you ate before bed will do to your body image and health.

Self-medicate with copious amounts of food when anxious, stressed or lonely and reward yourself with food when 'things are good'.

Worry about weight spiralling out of control if you let go of diets, scales and counting calories.

Tools that show you how to stop binge eating and secret eating
Ready to find out how to stop binge eating with the help of a binge eating therapist?

Imagine how it would feel to...

  • Never binge on those doughnuts again
  • Use food as fuel, instead of a reward, a coping mechanism or a life-crutch
  • Only have a couple of pieces of chocolate, stop and leave the rest in the cupboard for weeks
  • Feel excited about going out to eat, knowing it won't spiral into compulsive eating, binges or secret eating
  • Wake up motivated and energetic, rather than dreading the day (and trying on those jeans)



This session will help you understand where EXACTLY you are getting stuck with your food habits and relationship with food and give you solid practical steps to overcome binge eating. An introductory session into our regular consistent work together towards lasting change.

2h session with Binge Eating Therapist Milda - £147
Booking Provided by Healthie

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over
again but expecting different results.

I see you. You had enough of being in the binge and secret eating cycle and you want out. You're an action- taker and this is the perfect time for you to create a healthy relationship with food for good. Not next year, next summer or even ‘after the holiday', you can start right NOW.

You have already tried various diets, meal plans and even alternative therapies to fix this, yet nothing has quite worked. Insightful and thought-provoking, yet still left confused, without any PRACTICAL steps on how to stop binge eating.

👉🏻 If you find yourself completely overwhelmed, fed up with your food habits, yet unsure how to change them, I’m inviting you to sign up for my 90 min Food Peace Roadmap session. 👈🏻

In the

Food Peace Roadmap

session together we will:

Explore what your current situation with food is and what has influenced it

Discover where you are getting stuck and how to stop binge eating

Discuss your goals and equip you with practical steps to take action NOW

2h session with a Binge Eating Therapist- £147

Get in touch with Milda if you have any questions HERE

Find out how to stop binge eating with a binge eating therapist

Meet the Binge Eating Therapist Milda 👋🏻

After my own journey with binge eating, bulimia and secret eating, I can’t wait to show you how to stop binge eating and finally feel in control of your food habits and your life!

I am a Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, specialising in supporting people with eating problems, disordered eating and a difficult relationship with food. This covers a range of issues, from diagnosed eating disorders to emotional eating, binge eating, yo-yo dieting and weight concerns.

I'm a firm believer that there is no "one size fits all" approach and I use a mix of nutritional, psychological and behavioral therapy interventions to help you stop binge eating, secret eating and ditch the diet culture. I've helped hundreds of women and men in overcoming binge eating and I can't wait to support you too!

Milda x



This session will help you understand where EXACTLY you are getting stuck with your food habits and relationship with food and give you solid practical steps to overcome binge eating. An introductory session into our regular consistent work together towards lasting change.

2h session with Binge Eating Therapist Milda - £147
Booking Provided by Healthie

👉🏻 ​A moment of real honesty

If you're looking for a quick fix, a magic meal plan or a crash diet to lose weight in a week, I'm not the best person to help you. Let's face it, if restrictive diets and instant solutions really worked- there would be just a couple of diets out there, and we'd be running out of dieters.

But I know you're smart and you know a different approach is needed this time round. And that's exactly why you're here.

You're ready to get out of the food-body prison, overcome secretive eating and end the food obsession for good. I want you to succeed in this and I want you to have the freedom around food because you deserve to have the best this life has to offer (pssst, that does not include lying awake at night, worrying about the extra calories of your food intake you had for lunch).

☀️ Wonder if working with a binge eating therapist is for you?

I’m desperate to lose weight, will this work?

If years of binge eating, overeating and emotional eating caused some unwanted weight gain, you may be desperate to lose weight ASAP and are looking for something that will move the needle and FAST.

My clinical practice shows that if binge eating and emotional eating are active, there is very little chance of losing weight and maintaining it long-term, as the disordered eating pattern may override all your weight loss efforts.

I have to be honest with you and say that the fastest way to lasting weight loss is actually overcoming binge eating, secret eating and overeating, before engaging in any actions promoting weight loss.

The Food Peace Roadmap session is designed to show you how to stop binge eating, which is the first step in lasting weight loss and changing unhealthy relationship with food.

Will this work if I have a diagnosed Binge Eating Disorder (BED)?

Luckily, I am trained with National Centre for Eating Disorders (NCFED) and have plenty of experience working with binge eating disorder, so my approach is geared up towards supporting you whether you have a diagnosed BED or struggle with binges and emotional eating, without the official diagnosis.

Do I need to prepare for the session?

Once you book a session, you will receive all the information to prepare. You will be sent a questionnaire and a 3-day food diary to fill in, which will help me understand your situation better and prepare for the session.

Is the session done remotely?

Yes! It is a session held completely online. You will get details and a link to join the session upon booking.

Remote sessions are great in order to make sure you can join regardless of your location and commitments. Just make sure you have a good online connection and will be undisturbed during our call.

I fear ONE session is not going to fix my food problems

And it is not intended to fix everything. I would like to be a magician, however fixing years, often decades of a difficult relationship with food requires more than one session.

Food Peace Roadmap is an initial session that will help you understand where you are getting stuck and how to move forward in overcoming binge eating. 

If after the initial session you like my approach and decide that you are ready to stop binging, then there is an option for us to carry on working together.

How that might look like we will determine in the initial 90 min session.

Whether you have worked with other mental health professionals, read self-help books and articles on overcoming binge eating and secret eating, or this is your first time exploring the cycle of binge eating, I am convinced you will get a lot out of our work together.

Find out how to stop binge eating with a binge eating therapist
Still unsure if the Food Peace Roadmap session is for you?
👉🏻 Then hop on a call with me and find out!

Regardless of how long you've been struggling with food cravings, I believe that overcoming binge eating is possible for you! Let me show you how…

If you can't wait to take action and are unsure if Food Peace Roadmap is for you, then book the FREE discovery call and together we will discuss your goals, current situation and next steps on how to stop binge eating for good.

Find out the

9 Most Common Mindset Mistakes that feed the binge cycle

(it’s not what you think) and enjoy peace with food, starting today.