Food Therapy for Disordered Eating and Food Obsession
Ready to reach food freedom, enjoy food without guilt and take back control of your life?

Find out the
9 Most Common Mindset Mistakes that feed the binge cycle
(it’s not what you think) and enjoy peace with food, starting today.
Find out the
9 Most Common Mindset Mistakes that feed the binge cycle
(it’s not what you think) and enjoy peace with food, starting today.
...A life of food freedom, where food is just food
...A life of food freedom, where food is just food
A life where it feels like the 'magic switch' has been turned on, food obsession feels like a thing of the past and you feel completely in control of your food habits.
Where you feel excited about going out for a meal instead of dreading it.
A life where you can keep a big bar of Galaxy chocolate in your cupboard for 3 weeks, because you forgot it's even there.
When you commit to overcoming disordered eating and making peace with food and your body, you can finally enjoy food without guilt and never have to make promises to “be good tomorrow” ever again.
This might leave everyone, who has seen you diet and battle food for years, puzzled and wondering what your secret is.

You likely have tried to address your relationship with food a gazillion times, only to find yourself back at square one, even more confused. But I’m here to show you a different approach that feels manageable, actually enjoyable and most importantly… lasts.
An approach that helps you create food habits that support your life, health and body without going on another diet ever again, counting calories or eating boring salad leaves.
I have helped hundreds of people get “unstuck” and reach food freedom and I believe that it is possible for you too. Yes, even if you have tried it all before.
Let me show you how

Here’s how food therapy can get you one step
closer to food freedom:

Overcome binging, emotional eating and food obsession
If you are ready to finally take charge of binging, emotional eating and food obsession and want a roadmap to get there, the Food Peace
Roadmap session is for you.

Get the Ultimate Toolkit to
Stop Binge Eating
Ready to kick-start a binge-free life and
need a push in the right direction? Get the
solid tools and mindset hacks to help
you get “unstuck” around food.

Get Eating Disorder
Recovery Support
Whether you struggle with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder (BED) or OSFED, nutritional support and guidance could be instrumental in reaching food freedom.
"I have been lucky enough to work with the incredible nutritional therapist Milda, because in just two sessions Milda has helped me see where so many of a lifetime of eating problems have come from and how they have manifested. This week I literally cried with relief at the thought of being excited to go to the market and not avoid the lovely smells and sights in the food quarter and actually buy something and enjoy it free from fear. This is such a big deal for me."
Hey there, I’m Milda! 👋🏻
After my own journey with disordered eating, bulimia and binge eating I can’t wait to help you overcome food obsession and help you feel in control of your food habits using
food therapy.
I am a Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, specialising in supporting people with eating problems, disordered eating and a difficult relationship with food. This covers a range of issues, from diagnosed eating disorders to emotional eating, yo-yo dieting, weight concerns and disordered eating patterns.
I'm a firm believer that there is no "one size fits all" approach, hence I use a mix of nutritional, psychological and behavioural interventions to help you reach peace and food freedom. I've helped hundreds of women and men transform their food relationship and I can’t wait to support you too!

I cannot believe how far I have come and when I look back I am so proud. My food obsession is completely gone, I can finally trust myself around food and all the body image issues seem much smaller when I think back to the hell I used to live in. I am proud of looking at my body with compassion and loving eyes! I cannot believe that it has been just over a year since I had my last binge! Never thought I will EVER be able to say that.
Thank you for your helpful insights and warm support Milda, because I can honestly say that you have changed my life. I am feeling my healthiest, strongest and most confident than I have in years and it’s all thanks to you!
I have probably tried every diet, meal plan and diet shake on the planet, just to realize (over 15 years later) that it doesn’t work and the weight ALWAYS comes back! However, I am proud to say I now am a truly intuitive eater and I can trust myself to have only one slice of cake and eat when I’m hungry. My anxiety around food is gone and I have never felt more confident in my own skin!
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Find out the
9 Most Common Mindset Mistakes that feed the binge cycle
(it’s not what you think) and enjoy peace with food, starting today.