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Eating Disorder Affirmations to help at any stage of Eating Disorder Recovery

How to use eating disorder affirmations at any stage of eating disorder recovery
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Beliefs are thoughts that we keep thinking over and over again and the more attention we bring to the thought, the more established and strong it becomes. So what if instead of practicing the same thought patterns, you changed your self-talk and negative beliefs to serve you better?

If you’re new to positive affirmations, these are statements or mantras that help you challenge thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that are unhelpful and negative and can sabotage your eating disorder recoveryPractising eating disorder affirmations can help you think more positively and stay motivated for the recovery process.

Even if you think that this is just a bunch of words (or hippy-dippy nonsense) that won’t work for you, give it a go anyway and you may be pleasantly surprised. Eating disorder recovery can hard work and there is nothing to lose in trying positive eating disorder affirmations. Even if you feel only 10% better from trying this, it’s still worth it.

Perhaps you struggle with nourishing yourself well on a daily basis. Or trying to eliminate self-sabotaging disordered eating patterns like dieting or calorie counting. Maybe you are finding it difficult to cope with body image issues and stay positive in eating disorder recovery. There is an eating disorder affirmation or a few here that will help with your health goals, building a well-nourished life and getting rid of unconscious beliefs.

These affirmations for eating disorder recovery can help you to see yourself more positively and compassionately and help you keep going even when recovery feels like a very lonely place or you’re faced with seemingly impossible barriers to recovery. It can also be an incredible tool to accompany you during treatment. 

Use this positive reinforcement of words to distract the mind and help keep the commitment to recovery strong. Because you spend the entire day every day with your mind, you want to make sure it’s telling you things that are supportive on your path to recovery.

  • When you are struggling with keeping yourself motivated for recovery
  • When the negative/self-criticising mindset is in the driving seat 
  • When your cravings feel too overwhelming to resist 
  • Before you might encounter a triggering situation (friend’s birthday, family dinner etc)
  • When you’re starting to make healthier choices but don’t yet fully believe they will work for you. 

Repeat the eating disorder affirmation when you are struggling in that particular area, whether it’s calorie counting, restriction, cravings or body image, and say it out loud (preferably) or quietly (if that’s the only option) three to five times in one go. Repeat this a few times per day to let the words sink in.

Affirmations for Eating Disorder Recovery and Self-worth 

I am OK.

I feel great when I take care of myself.

I am strong.

I take daily action on things that matter to me.

I choose life.

I become stronger and more resilient in my recovery journey every day.

I am proud of myself and all my progress.

I trust that I can make better choices, even if they feel hard.

I am worthy of a peaceful relationship with food.

I will make decisions that support my road to recovery and honour my body.

Every day, I become more confident in myself and what I can do.

I am worthy of living happy life without an eating disorder.

I have the strength to go through recovery.

I am enjoying true health: body and mind.

I have the power to make changes.

I am enough, just as I am right now.

I am learning to do more self-care to reach my recovery goals.

It is possible for me to learn healthier ways to cope with difficulties.

I am worthy of feeling joy in my life, without an eating disorder.

I can make positive changes in my life; I am capable of achieving anything that I set my mind to.

I am not defined by my eating disorder, I am already overcoming it.

It is possible for me to break free from the vicious cycle of an eating disorder.

I am worthy of healing, recovery and joy.

Eating disorder affirmations for eating disorder recovery

I choose to nourish and nurture my body.

Food is the medicine my body loves.

My body is a sacred vessel that I honour.

I deserve true nutrition and true health.

I acknowledge the triggers behind my cravings and make conscious choices.

Food does not have control, we are learning to have a healthier relationship.

I am getting healthier and stronger every day.

I am well nourished in preparation for the day ahead of me.

My body heals and strengthens with every bite I take.

This food is healing me.

Every day I become stronger and healthier.

I find it easy to nourish my body well.

Nourishing my body feels joyful.

I am building a healthy relationship with food.

I crave foods that nourish me well.

I release old habits that are limiting my potential.

I enjoy eating healthy food.

My body is whole and full.

My weight or my food choices do not define who I am.

I choose to let go of the patterns that do not serve me.

I cannot see all that is ahead of me. I can only take the NEXT step.

Today I’m choosing to be brave.

I have all the resources I need, including the supportive people around me.

I trust my own process.

My body is my home, and I am caring for it.

I deserve food by existing (not exercising).

I treat my body with respect.

My body needs me to nourish it.

How I feel about myself has nothing to do with what I eat or don’t eat.

Today I allow myself to be greater than the fear.

Fear is only a feeling, which cannot stop me from reaching my goals.

I can only find out by trying.

I am strong and calm.

My health is an investment in my life.

Infographic: Examples of when to use eating disorder affirmations to progress in recovery

I am overcoming binge eating.

I can easily say no to sweets.

I can have anything I want, but I choose not to.

I am in control of what I eat, food doesn’t control me.

I make my food choices sensibly.

I can easily stop when I’m full.

My mind is in a strong and healthy connection to my body.

I know that food is not the solution to cope with stress.

I am not a rubbish bin.

I love and respect my body with the food I put in it.

Food does not make the feelings go away.

Controlling impulses comes naturally to me.

I can find productive ways to comfort and soothe myself.

I am fully present with my body and the food I put in it.

I treat my body with respect.

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My worth is not determined by my size or shape.

I feed my body nourishing food and give it nourishing exercise. It deserves to be taken care of.

My body deserves love, kindness and respect.

I am learning to love and accept myself.

I can still have a good day even when I am not comfortable in my body.

I am open to and accept the feeling of being good enough.

I let go of negative thoughts and move through life with joy.

I accept my body and feel comfortable.

My body is beautiful, I respect and care for it.

There is nothing sexier than body positivity.

I release myself from the burden of perfection.

I appreciate my body.

Whenever I look in the mirror I always see something positive.

I find it easy to think positively about my body.

My body is beautiful and I respect it deeply.

I am grateful I have a healthy and capable body.

I am thankful for my health.

I take care of the needs of my body.

I am learning to practice body positivity.

I accept my body as it is right now.

I enjoy feeling good about my body today.

My body is strong and capable, no matter what shape or size it is.

My worth is not determined by my how I look; it comes from within.

22 affirmations for positive body image in eating disorders.

Life is too short to count calories.

I’m counting the memories, not the calories.

I have the power to stop counting calories.

My life is led by my intention and inspiration, not calories.

I will not allow calories to stand in the way of a happy life.

A goal weight is an irrelevant number and doesn’t speak of my health.

You no longer control me, calories, I am free.

I eat for energy and nourishment.

Food is not the enemy, it helps me nourish and heal.

How I feel about myself has nothing to do with what I eat or don’t eat.

I trust the process of recovery.

I treat my body with respect.

The affirmations you choose don’t have to be profound or wordy. The simpler, the better!

And once you’ve chosen an affirmation or two and said it out loud, don’t forget to take a few moments afterwards to really sit with what that statement means to you personally. It’s the positive self-talk that can really help with resilience and personal growth on the path to recovery.

The eating disorder recovery journey is non-linear process and has its ups and downs. Yet, every step you take towards recovery, no matter how small, takes you one step closer to your recovery goals.

Embrace the journey, count on the supportive people around you and other resources available on your journey to recovery. And remember, that positive affirmations for eating disorder recovery to help you stay on track!

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  1. How can affirmations help in eating disorder recovery?
    You’re already doing a lot of work if you’re going through eating disorder recovery and affirmations can be an additional tool to help keep the negative thoughts in check. An affirmation that resonates can slowly chip away at increasing self-esteem and help you motivate yourself to keep going. 
  2. What affirmations are effective in overcoming eating disorder thoughts and behaviours?
    The affirmations that resonate with you personally. Some include “Today I allow myself to be greater than the fear” and “I trust my own process.”
  3. Can I use affirmations to fight urges and triggers in eating disorder recovery? 
    Absolutely! You can choose an affirmation that resonates with you personally and the full article has many to choose from. Affirmations can help you ground and cope with difficult situations and thoughts. 
  4. How can I use affirmations daily to help in my eating disorder recovery? 
    Start with one or two affirmations and repeat them a few times daily, several times in one go until the affirmation feels good in the body. Leave yourself post-it reminders and notifications to remember to practice.
  5. Are there affirmations for improving body image in eating disorder recovery? 
    There sure are! Read the full text for ideas that involve body image affirmations like “I treat my body with respect” and “I am learning to practice body positivity”.

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